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Саша 25.7.2006 23:46 Правда ли, что после двух лет проживания в Сингапуре инвестор и его семья, включая детей до 21 года, имеют право на получение гражданства и паспортов?
Singapurchik 21.8.2006 18:41 Правда. Смотря куда и сколько вложишь.
Value 26.8.2006 00:23 А если легально? без взяток, то это реально?
Singapurchik 14.9.2006 17:55 Это реально без взяток и зависит только от размера инвестиций.
Value 14.9.2006 20:57 Инвестируй в пригородные сортиры и не говори глупостей. Инвестиции тут не при чем. Иди работай, грузи вагоны, пока не департировали на родину.
Singapurchik 15.9.2006 10:58 Если я докажу обратное, готов ли ты официально признать здесь что ты звездун и больше не звиздеть? :)
Singapurchik 15.9.2006 11:13 Итак, Вэлью,
Английский понимаешь? Читай или попроси чтобы перевели:
Singapore PR (вид на жительство) application, $1.5 million deposit scheme.
You are eligible if you come under the category of "foreign entrepreneurs" (read "those with lots of capital to invest"). You will then need to deposit at least S$1.5 million with the Singapore government for investing in a range of business activities approved by the government. You may choose to invest the whole sum of the deposit in a project in Singapore or use part of it in a regional project.
There are some limits when investing in a regional project. If you own a Singapore registered company, up to 30 per cent of the deposit may be used for investment in a regional project approved by the government. If the company in question has at least 20 per cent Singaporean ownership, up to 50 per cent of the deposit may be used for such investment.
You may use the remaining funds to invest in a project in Singapore. Under the scheme, an approved regional project should be in one of the Singapore industrial parks such as Suzhou Industrial Park and Wuxi Singapore Industrial Park in China, Batamindo Industrial Park and Bintan Industrial Estate in Indonesia, Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park and Bangalore IT Park in India.
You have up to 2 years to make the investment from the date you make the deposit. You should submit the investment proposal before applying for the release of the funds. You must then maintain the investments you made for a period of 5 years. If the deposit is not released for investment 2 years from the date of deposit, it will be retained with the government for another 20 years, with no interest. The deposit will be returned to you after the 20-year period.
Entrepreneurs may also apply for permanent residence for their spouses and children under 21 years. Unmarried children above 21 may also apply but will be considered based on their merits. Entrepreneurs may also apply for permanent residence for their parents and parents-in-law by depositing an additional S$300,000 for each person.

Changes as of Apr 1, 1999:

Waiting period for permanent residents to qualify for Singapore Citizenship reduced from the current 2 – 10 years to 2 – 6 years.
The average processing time for citizenship applications also reduced from the current 6 – 10 months to 3 – 6 months.
Singaporean women can sponsor their PR husbands for citizenship if the family has the means to support itself and the husbands have been PRs for at least 2 years.

Т.е. при наличии бабла получить гражданство в 2 года реально.
Евгения 15.9.2006 12:43 ниасилила, слишкаммногабукв
Singapurchik 17.9.2006 04:04 Евгения - поусидчевее бы надо быть.
Alla 14.10.2006 19:23 Народ, а что скажете про солнечные коллекторы с Сингапуре: как использовать солнечную энергию и сделать на этом бизнес?
Pages:   1 

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